We assist pharmaceutical companies
in making thoughtful decisions
leading to success
and leadership in the market
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Accurate data within the timeframe promised, professional
employees, comprehensive analysis, practical recommendations
Who would you like to work with?
Our clients are major pharmaceutical companies that always put the patient at the core of their mission: patient’s health, well-being, quality of life, optimal treatment, correct rehabilitation, timely education and general support. Who is your patient?
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Interaction of a pharmaceutical company with a physician determines business fruitfulness. It is much easier to establish partnership relations, if you understand the physician, know his/her insights, share a common language.
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By administrators we mean such key persons in the federal and regional healthcare system as chief medical officers of hospitals and chiefs of large departments, public servants from the Ministry of Health, chief payroll and non-payroll specialists.
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The influence of a pharmacist in the purchase of drugs by a patient is significant, as well as the role of pharmacy director in purchases of your drugs. We are ready to help you to study employees and pharmacy directors, and give recommendations on cooperation with them.
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We witness an active growth in the veterinary market. Through marketing research our Clients receive information, outline preferences and become more efficient in the rapidly changing market.
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Medical representative
We will help you to evaluate and analyze how Clients perceive your company – medical reps and KAMs; give you recommendations on improvements to be made in particular parameters of employees’ performance.
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We will carry out a comprehensive analysis of your brand in competitive environment and help you to see the brand through the eyes of all market participants. We will also provide you with practical recommendations.
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Company’s image
Image of a pharmaceutical company: how does it look like, which component in it is stronger, to what extent is it sustainable, what does it depend on, what does it influence, how is it related to a business result?
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Education and
information services
We will find, gather and educate specialists:
Updated database, constantly renewed data
and quick access to the target audience.
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Relations with
medical society
We will organize and hold fruitful negotiations:
Long-term professional relations at a high level,
successful dialogues with KOLs and administrators.
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High quality of data provided is priority of our company!
Accurate data is essential for making deep insights and intelligent recommendations.
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