
Monitor, outline, make stresses and sell

We will carry out a comprehensive analysis of your brand in competitive environment and help you to see the brand through the eyes of all market participants. We will also give you practical recommendations, taking into account such important factors as feasibility, expenses-business result ratio and promotional ethics.



We will study and analyze position of your brand, show it through market dynamics, take into account existing and potential competitive environment, show how to use strengths effectively, how to minimize negative moments, which niches can be occupied with the maximum profit and where business development zone is.

We will detect actual drug prescription schemes and competitor drugs in and out of the category, analyze all selection factors of a drug form, frequency of prescriptions, doses, treatment length; we will detect a target patient, indicate the reasons for this situation, as well as show potential of its development, if each element changes.

We will define barriers hindering brand prescription, motives for switching to other drugs. We will study motivation of consumption, behavior and attitude of consumers to your brand vs. competitors.

We will study attitude to promotion and advertising of Client’s brand, as well as drugs of the category. We will test any materials distributed through any channels, give recommendations on how to optimize both materials and their promotion among different target audiences.


The Client planned to register a new drug of X group in Russia. At launch time it was hardly available, expensive therapy received by 1-5% of patients with a particular disease. There hardly was a possibility to provide patients with drugs by reimbursement, so they had to purchase drugs of the group out-of-pocket. Several drugs were available in the market, with no obvious leader. A new drug of the Client had a range of advantages vs. competitors. The company wanted to understand the current situation with prescription of drugs X: who prescribed and at which stage, which difficulties faced during start of injection therapy, if didn’t prescribe X drugs, how convinced patients to start injection therapy. It was also necessary to get evaluation of the drug, demand for it, understanding concerning characteristics of patients whom would try to prescribe. Moreover, the Client wanted to see the current actual practice of prescriptions of X drugs: profile of a patient receiving the drug, either out-of-pocket purchase or by reimbursement, from which therapy switched to X drugs and why.

MAR CONSULT has carried out an integrated research which included the survey of physicians, patients and their relatives, thus solving all research issues. We have developed the key brand attributes which were used as a basis for its promotion.

Further on, during two years after drug launch MAR CONSULT monitored drug’s image, whether its promotion matched the strategy and gave recommendations on brand image improvement.

At present Client’s brand is a choice drug among physicians and 70% of physicians acknowledge it as a golden standard in therapy of the disease.